
Microsoft 365

Microsoft Search

Intelligent search and discovery experiences.

Microsoft Search helps you find what you need to complete what you’re working on. Whether you're searching for people, files, org charts, sites, or answers to common questions, you can use Microsoft Search throughout your workday to get answers.

Microsoft Search helps users find the right answers, people, and content to complete their tasks in the app they’re already working in

Microsoft Search - an intelligent, enterprise search experience from Microsoft that applies the artificial intelligence technology (AI) from Bing and deep personalized insights surfaced by the Microsoft Graph, to make search more effective for you – so whether you’re looking to complete a task, pick up where you left off, or discover answers or insights, it’s just a click away, across all of your applications, your desktop, and your browser.

Source: YouTube


  • microsoft/365/microsoft_search.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/05/23 07:43
  • by Henrik Yllemo