
Site Columns

What is SharePoint Site Columns?

SharePoint Site Columns are reusable columns that can be created at the site collection level and used across multiple lists and libraries within that site collection. They help maintain consistency and standardization of data across various SharePoint entities.

Key features of Site Columns include:

  • Reusability: Once a Site Column is created, it can be applied to multiple lists and libraries, ensuring that the same metadata is used uniformly.
  • Centralized Management: Site Columns can be managed from a central location (the site collection), making it easier to update or change metadata across all lists and libraries that utilize a specific Site Column.
  • Variety of Data Types: Site Columns can be created using various data types, such as text, choice (dropdown), number, currency, date/time, lookup, and more, depending on the needs of the organization.
  • Content Types Integration: Site Columns can be included in Content Types, which are collections of settings and columns that define the attributes of a specific type of content.

To create a Site Column, a user must have appropriate permissions in the SharePoint site. The process usually involves navigating to Site Settings, selecting Site Columns, and then defining the properties of the new column, such as its name, type, and any additional settings like required fields or default values.

Site Columns play a crucial role in enhancing the structure and manageability of data within SharePoint sites, facilitating better data governance and usability.

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  • sharepoint/site_columns.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/07/27 16:31
  • by Henrik Yllemo