
Document Library

What is SharePoint Document Library?

A SharePoint Document Library is a specialized repository within SharePoint where users can store, organize, and manage documents and files. Document libraries support various document management features, including versioning, metadata tagging, and permissions control.

Key features of SharePoint Document Libraries include:

  • Document Storage: Allows users to upload and store a wide variety of file types, including Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PDFs, and images.
  • Version Control: Tracks changes to documents over time, enabling users to view and restore previous versions if needed.
  • Metadata: Users can add custom metadata fields to documents to enhance searchability and organization.
  • Permissions Management: Administrators can set specific permissions for different users or groups, controlling who can view, edit, or delete documents.
  • Check In/Check Out: Users can check out documents to prevent others from editing them while they are being modified, ensuring document integrity.
  • Integration with Microsoft 365: Offers seamless integration with other Microsoft services, allowing for collaboration and sharing through applications like Microsoft Teams and Outlook.
  • Search Functionality: Powerful search capabilities that allow users to find documents quickly using keywords or metadata.

SharePoint Document Libraries are valuable for teams and organizations looking to improve document management and collaboration within their workflows.

  • sharepoint/document_library.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/07/27 16:24
  • by Henrik Yllemo