
Keyword Query Language (KQL)

What is SharePoint Keyword Query Language (KQL)?

SharePoint Keyword Query Language (KQL) is a powerful query language used to search content in SharePoint sites. KQL allows users to create complex queries utilizing keywords, operators, and search syntax to refine search results.

The key features of KQL include:

  • Keywords: Users can search for specific terms or phrases.
  • Operators: KQL supports various operators like AND, OR, NOT to combine or exclude terms.
  • Property Searches: KQL enables filtering results based on metadata properties, such as author or file type, using the syntax `property:value`.
  • Wildcards: The asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard to represent one or more characters in a search term.
  • Grouping: Parentheses can be used to group clauses and control the logic of the query.

An example of a KQL query is:

title: “Annual Report” AND author: “John Doe”

This query searches for documents with “Annual Report” in the title and authored by “John Doe”.

KQL enhances the search capabilities of SharePoint, making it easier for users to find relevant information quickly and accurately. It is especially useful for organizations with large amounts of data stored across various SharePoint sites.

External links:

    • Many users don't realize how powerful SharePoint's search capabilities are. Not only can SharePoint search through document titles and metadata, but it can also delve inside your documents, including PDFs, to find the content you need.

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  • sharepoint/keyword_query_language_kql.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/07/27 18:30
  • by Henrik Yllemo