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Project Cortex

Project Cortex applies Artificial intelligence (AI) to automatically organize your content, and delivers innovative experiences - topic cards, topic pages and knowledge centers - in Office, Outlook and Microsoft Teams.

Building on the leading content services of SharePoint, Project Cortex connects content in Microsoft 365 and external content and enables you to manage your information and streamline processes with advanced security, compliance and automated workflow. Project Cortex builds on intelligence from the Microsoft Graph, a variety of Microsoft AI technologies, and the leading content services of SharePoint.

Project Cortex applies AI to reason over your organization’s structured and unstructured content, recognizing content types, extracting important information, and automatically organizing it into topics.

Source: YouTube

Project Cortex Office Hours

Discover more about Project Cortex, in this series you’ll be able to engage with the Microsoft product team about Project Cortex. Discover more about the solution and related features, envision scenarios for your organization, and learn more about knowledge management.

Project Cortex Office Hours (Rename, FIXME)

See also:

Office 365 Articles