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Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2024

In May 2024, over 65,000 developers responded to our annual survey about coding, the technologies and tools they use and want to learn, AI, and developer experience at work.

Programming, scripting, and markup languages

Stack Overflow Developer Survey - Programming languages

  1. JS
  3. PY
  4. SQL
  5. TS
  6. Bash/Shell
  7. Java
  8. C#
  9. C++
  10. C
  11. PHP
  12. PowerShell
  13. Go
  14. Rust
  15. Kotlin
  16. Lua
  17. Dart
  18. Assembly
  19. RB
  20. Swift
  21. R
  22. Visual Basic
  23. MATLAB
  24. VBA
  25. Groovy
  26. Scala
  27. Perl
  28. GDScript
  29. Objective-C
  30. Elixir
  31. Haskell
  32. Delphi
  33. MicroPython
  34. Lisp
  35. Clojure
  36. Julia
  37. Zig
  38. Fortran
  39. Solidity
  40. Ada
  41. Erlang
  42. F#
  43. Apex
  44. Prolog
  45. OCaml
  46. Cobol
  47. Crystal
  48. Nim
  49. Zephyr


Stack Overflow Developer Survey - Databases

  1. PostgreSQL
  2. MySQL
  3. SQLite
  4. Microsoft SQL Server
  5. MongoDB
  6. Redis
  7. MariaDB
  8. Elasticsearch
  9. Oracle
  10. Dynamodb
  11. Firebase Realtime Database
  12. Cloud Firestore
  13. BigQuery
  14. Microsoft Access
  15. Supabase
  16. H2
  17. Cosmos DB
  18. Snowflake
  19. InfluxDB
  20. Cassandra
  21. Databricks SQL
  22. Neo4J
  23. IBM DB2
  24. Clickhouse
  25. Solr
  26. DuckDB
  27. Firebird
  28. Couch DB
  29. Cockroachdb
  30. Couchbase
  31. Presto
  32. Datomic
  33. EventStoreDB
  34. RavenDB
  35. TiDB

Cloud platforms

Stack Overflow Developer Survey - Cloud platforms

  1. Amazon Web Services
  2. Microsoft Azure
  3. Google Cloud
  4. Cloudflare
  5. Firebase
  6. Vercel
  7. Digital Ocean
  8. Heroku
  9. Netlify
  10. VMware
  11. Hetzner
  12. Supabase
  13. Linode, now Akamai
  14. OVH
  15. Managed Hosting
  16. Oracle Cloud Infra.
  17. Render
  19. OpenShift
  20. Databricks
  21. PythonAnywhere
  22. Vultr
  23. OpenStack
  24. Alibaba Cloud
  25. IBM Cloud Or Watson
  26. Scaleway
  27. Colocation

Web frameworks and technologies

Stack Overflow Developer Survey - Web frameworks

  1. Node.js
  2. React
  3. jQuery
  4. Next.js
  5. Express
  6. Angular
  8. Vue.js
  9. ASP.NET
  10. Flask
  11. Spring Boot
  12. Django
  13. WordPress
  14. FastAPI
  15. Laravel
  16. AngularJS
  17. Svelte
  18. NestJS
  19. Blazor
  20. RB on Rails
  21. Nuxt.js
  22. Htmx
  23. Symfony
  24. Astro
  25. Fastify
  26. Deno
  27. Phoenix
  28. Drupal
  29. Strapi
  30. CodeIgniter
  31. Gatsby
  32. Remix
  33. Solid.js
  34. Yii 2
  35. Play Framework
  36. Elm

Other frameworks and libraries

Stack Overflow Developer Survey - Frameworks

  1. .NET
  2. NumPy
  3. Pandas
  4. .NET Framework
  5. Spring Framework
  6. RabbitMQ
  7. Scikit-Learn
  8. Torch/PyTorch
  9. TensorFlow
  10. Apache Kafka
  11. Flutter
  12. Opencv
  13. React Native
  14. Qt
  15. OpenGL
  16. Electron
  17. CUDA
  18. Hugging Face Transformers
  19. Apache Spark
  20. SwiftUI
  21. Keras
  22. .NET MAUI
  23. Ruff
  24. Xamarin
  25. GTK
  26. Ionic
  27. Tauri
  28. Hadoop
  29. Cordova
  30. DirectX
  31. Capacitor
  32. OpenCL
  33. Tidyverse
  34. Roslyn
  35. Quarkus
  36. Ktor
  37. mlflow
  38. JAX
  39. MFC

Other tools

Stack Overflow Developer Survey - Tools

  1. Docker
  2. npm
  3. Pip
  4. Homebrew
  5. Make
  6. Vite
  7. Kubernetes
  8. Yarn
  9. Webpack
  10. NuGet
  11. Maven
  12. Visual Studio Solution
  13. Gradle
  14. MSBuild
  15. Terraform
  16. APT
  17. pnpm
  18. Composer
  19. Chocolatey
  20. Ansible
  21. Pacman
  22. Unity 3D
  23. Podman
  24. Godot
  25. Ninja
  26. Bun
  27. Google Test
  28. Unreal Engine
  29. Ant
  30. Nix
  31. Dagger
  32. Puppet
  33. Pulumi
  34. Chef

Integrated development environment

Stack Overflow Developer Survey - IDEs

  1. Visual Studio Code
  2. Visual Studio
  3. IntelliJ IDEA
  4. Notepad++
  5. Vim
  6. Android Studio
  7. PyCharm
  8. Jupyter Notebook/JupyterLab
  9. Neovim
  10. Sublime Text
  11. Eclipse
  12. Xcode
  13. Nano
  14. WebStorm
  15. PhpStorm
  16. Rider
  17. DataGrip
  18. VSCodium
  19. IPython
  20. CLion
  21. Emacs
  22. Goland
  23. Netbeans
  24. RStudio
  25. Qt Creator
  26. Code::Blocks
  27. Kate
  28. Fleet
  29. Helix
  30. Spyder
  31. RubyMine
  32. Geany
  33. Rad Studio
  34. BBEdit
  35. Spacemacs

Asynchronous tools

Stack Overflow Developer Survey - Asynchronous tools

  1. Jira
  2. Confluence
  3. Markdown File
  4. Trello
  5. Notion
  6. GitHub Discussions
  7. Azure Devops
  8. Miro
  9. Obsidian
  10. Wikis
  11. Asana
  12. Clickup
  13. Doxygen
  14. Lucid
  15. Redmine
  16. Linear
  17. Microsoft Planner
  18. Stack Overflow for Teams
  20. YouTrack
  21. Airtable
  22. Basecamp
  23. Microsoft Lists
  24. Smartsheet
  25. Shortcut

Synchronous tools

Stack Overflow Developer Survey - Synchronous tools

  1. Microsoft Teams
  2. Slack
  3. Zoom
  4. Discord
  5. Google Meet
  6. Whatsapp
  7. Telegram
  8. Skype
  9. Signal
  10. Google Chat
  11. Cisco Webex Teams
  12. Mattermost
  13. Matrix
  14. Jitsi
  15. IRC
  16. Rocketchat
  17. Zulip
  18. Ringcentral
  19. Symphony
  20. Wire
  21. Wickr
  22. Unify Circuit
  23. Coolfire Core

Operating system

Stack Overflow Developer Survey - Operating systems

  1. Windows
  2. MacOS
  3. Ubuntu
  4. Android
  5. Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
  6. iOS
  7. Debian
  8. Other Linux-based
  9. Arch
  10. iPadOS
  11. Red Hat
  12. Fedora
  13. ChromeOS
  14. Cygwin
  15. BSD
  16. AIX
  17. Solaris
  18. Haiku

AI Search & AI Developer Tools

Stack Overflow Developer Survey - AI Search Tools

  1. ChatGPT
  2. GitHub Copilot
  3. Google Gemini
  4. Bing AI
  5. Visual Studio Intellicode
  6. Claude
  7. Codeium
  8. WolframAlpha
  9. Perplexity AI
  10. Tabnine
  11. Phind
  12. Meta AI
  13. Amazon Q
  15. Cody
  16. OpenAI Codex
  17. Whispr AI
  18. Quora Poe
  19. Snyk Code
  20. Replit Ghostwriter
  21. Lightning AI
  22. AskCodi
  23. Andi
  24. Neeva AI
  25. Metaphor
  • compare/stack_overflow_developer_survey_2024.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/07/24 18:08
  • by Henrik Yllemo