Release Calendar Template

What is Release Calendar Template?

A release calendar template is a pre-designed document that outlines the key milestones and deadlines for a product or project release. It provides a structured framework for planning, tracking, and managing the release process, ensuring that all stakeholders are aligned and informed throughout the journey.

A typical release calendar template may include sections such as:

  1. Release Overview:
    • Project name
    • Release date
    • Brief description of the release
  2. Planning and Preparation (Pre-Release):
    • Milestones: critical tasks to complete before the release
    • Deadlines: specific dates for completing these milestones
  3. Development (In-Release):
    • Tasks: detailed list of work items to be completed during the release
    • Estimated effort: approximate time required for each task
  4. Testing and Quality Assurance:
    • Test plans: outline of testing activities and scope
    • Test schedules: specific dates and times for testing
  5. Deployment and Rollout:
    • Deployment plan: strategy for deploying the release to production
    • Rollout schedule: timeline for rolling out the release to different user groups or regions
  6. Post-Release Activities:
    • Review and analysis: post-release review of successes, challenges, and lessons learned
    • Retrospective: team reflection on what went well and areas for improvement

The benefits of using a release calendar template include:

  1. Improved planning and coordination: Ensure all stakeholders are aligned and aware of the release plan.
  2. Enhanced visibility: Track progress and identify potential issues early on.
  3. Better communication: Clearly define roles, responsibilities, and expectations throughout the release process.
  4. Increased efficiency: Streamline tasks and reduce duplication of effort by identifying dependencies and critical path activities.
  5. Reduced risk: Identify and mitigate potential risks through proactive planning and contingency planning.

By using a release calendar template, teams can ensure a smoother and more successful product or project release, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction and business value.

Release Calendar

  • Project Name:
  • Project Manager:
  • Release Coordinator:
  • Calendar Start Date:
  • Features:
    • Feature 1
    • Feature 2
  • Target Release Date:
  • Status: (e.g., Planning, In Development, Testing, Ready for Release)
  • Features:
    • Feature 1
    • Feature 2
  • Target Release Date:
  • Status:
  • [Date]: Release/Feature Description
  • [Date]: Release/Feature Description
  • [Date]: Release/Feature Description
  • [Date]: Release/Feature Description
  • Monday:
    • Task/Feature Description
  • Tuesday:
    • Task/Feature Description
  • Wednesday:
    • Task/Feature Description
  • Monday:
    • Task/Feature Description
  • Tuesday:
    • Task/Feature Description
  • Wednesday:
    • Task/Feature Description
  • Release A depends on Release B completion.
  • Risk:
    • Mitigation Strategy
  • Approved by:
  • Signature:
  • Date:

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External links:

    • Use Softr's Release Planning template to plan and execute your product releases seamlessly.
    • The release calendar template is a spreadsheet that lists the product releases for a company or business. It can be used as an important template in information systems to manage and plan resources, such as staff, time, and money. A release calendar template excel template is an Excel spreadsheet with rows and columns of dates on which products are released.

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  • project/templates/release_calendar_template.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/07/16 18:13
  • by Henrik Yllemo