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Ansible is an open-source software provisioning, configuration management, and application-deployment tool.

Snippet from Wikipedia: Ansible (software)

Ansible is a suite of software tools that enables infrastructure as code. It is open-source and the suite includes software provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment functionality.

Originally written by Michael DeHaan in 2012, and acquired by Red Hat in 2015, Ansible is designed to configure both Unix-like systems and Microsoft Windows. Ansible is agentless, relying on temporary remote connections via SSH or Windows Remote Management which allows PowerShell execution. The Ansible control node runs on most Unix-like systems that are able to run Python, including Windows with Windows Subsystem for Linux installed. System configuration is defined in part by using its own declarative language.

GitHub Topics

Ansible is a simple and powerful automation engine. It is used to help with configuration management, application deployment, and task automation.

  • tools/ansible.1660487647.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/08/14 14:34
  • by Henrik Yllemo