Stakeholder Map Template

What is Stakeholder Map Template?

A stakeholder map template is a visual tool used in project management, organizational development, and community engagement to identify, analyze, and prioritize stakeholders' interests, needs, and expectations. The template helps individuals or organizations understand who their stakeholders are, what they want from the organization, and how they can be engaged to achieve common goals.

A typical stakeholder map template consists of a grid or matrix with two axes:

  1. Power: This axis assesses the level of influence or control each stakeholder has over the project, organization, or initiative. It ranges from high (those who have significant power) to low (those who have little power).
  2. Interest: This axis evaluates the degree of concern or interest each stakeholder has in the project, organization, or initiative. It ranges from high (those who are very interested) to low (those who are not interested).

By plotting stakeholders on this grid, you can create a visual representation of their interests and power levels, which helps identify four quadrants:

  1. High Power - High Interest: These individuals have significant influence and a strong interest in the project or organization. They require regular communication and engagement to ensure their needs are met.
  2. Low Power - Low Interest: These stakeholders have little influence and are not particularly interested in the project or organization. They can be informed about progress, but may not require frequent interaction.
  3. High Power - Low Interest: These individuals have significant power but are not particularly concerned with the project or organization. They may need to be kept informed of key decisions, but their interest is limited.
  4. Low Power - High Interest: These stakeholders have little influence but are highly interested in the project or organization. They require regular communication and engagement to ensure their needs are met.

Using a stakeholder map template can help you:

  • Identify key stakeholders and prioritize your efforts accordingly
  • Develop effective communication strategies for each group of stakeholders
  • Build relationships with influential stakeholders to achieve project goals
  • Manage conflicts by understanding the interests and power dynamics at play
  • Make informed decisions about resource allocation and engagement strategies

By using a stakeholder map template, you can create a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of your stakeholders' needs and priorities, ultimately leading to more effective management and engagement.

Stakeholder Map

  • Project Name:
  • Project Manager:
  • Date:
  • High Power, High Interest: Key Players to manage closely.
  • High Power, Low Interest: Keep satisfied but not overloaded with information.
  • Low Power, High Interest: Keep informed and engaged in the project.
  • Low Power, Low Interest: Monitor but do not over-communicate.
  • Stakeholder 1:
    • Role, Influence, Expectations
  • Stakeholder 2:
    • Role, Influence, Expectations
  • Stakeholder 3:
    • Role, Influence, Expectations
  • Stakeholder 4:
    • Role, Influence, Expectations
  • Stakeholder 5:
    • Role, Influence, Expectations
  • Stakeholder 6:
    • Role, Influence, Expectations
  • Stakeholder 7:
    • Role, Influence, Expectations
  • Stakeholder 8:
    • Role, Influence, Expectations
  • Key Messages:
    • What key messages need to be communicated to the stakeholders?
  • Delivery Methods:
    • How will these messages be delivered?
  • Review Frequency:
    • How often will the stakeholder map be reviewed and updated?
  • Monitoring Method:
    • How will stakeholder engagement be monitored?
  • Approved by:
  • Signature:
  • Date:

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  • project/templates/stakeholder_map_template.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/07/16 18:39
  • by Henrik Yllemo