- WeAreDevelopers - Developer Jobs & Event Platform —wearedevelopers.com
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- Free Developer Talks & Coding Tutorials | WeAreDevelopers —wearedevelopers.com
- Advance as a developer with countless hours of developer talks and coding sessions. 50+ videos. International speaker. Watch for free!
WeAreDevelopers was founded in 2015 with the mission to level up the careers of developers by providing them with valuable tech content, perfect-fit job opportunities, and outstanding events throughout the year. We run Europe's leading developer community and support the professional and personal growth of developers.Once a year we host the WeAreDevelopers World Congress, the world's largest annual event for developers, bringing together over 15,000 attendees to share their insights, exchange ideas, and shape the future of technology.
We are dedicated to empowering tech talents and fostering a community of tech professionals who are driven to succeed and make a significant impact on the industry.
— https://www.wearedevelopers.com/about