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AI Augmented Development

What is AI Augmented Development?

AI-Augmented Development refers to the integration of artificial intelligence into the software development process. This approach leverages AI to automate mundane tasks, enhance code quality, and accelerate the development lifecycle. AI tools can assist in code generation, testing, debugging, and even in understanding and managing technical debt. By using AI, developers can focus on more complex and creative aspects of software development, ensuring that human expertise is used where it is most valuable. The rise of AI-augmented development tools like GitHub Copilot and others signifies a shift towards more efficient and innovative software creation, promising to revolutionize the industry by supporting developers in their efforts to meet the increasing demands for sophisticated software solutions.

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## ToDo ##

AI-Augmented Development Tools:

  • GitHub Copilot
  • OpenAI ChatGPT
  • Google Gemini
  • Bing AI
  • Visual Studio IntelliCode
  • TensorFlow
  • Amazon CodeWhisperer
  • CodeGuru
  • Google Codey
  • CodeStream
  • Kite
  • DeepCode
  • Tabnine
  • Replika
  • Codota
  • Sourcegraph
  • SonarLint
  • DeepTabNine
  • AI Code
  • IntelliCode
  • Claude
  • Codeium
  • WolframAlpha
  • Perplexity AI
  • Phind
  • Meta AI
  • Amazon Q
  • Cody
  • OpenAI Codex
  • Whispr AI
  • Quora Poe
  • Snyk Code
  • Replit Ghostwriter
  • Lightning AI
  • AskCodi
  • Andi
  • Neeva AI
  • Metaphor
  • AI2SQL
  • Jupyter Notebooks
  • MLflow
  • DVC (Data Version Control)
  • Polyaxon
  • Valohai
  • Weights & Biases
  • Spell

1. Code Completion and Generation

  • Purpose: Assists developers in writing code more efficiently by suggesting code snippets, completing code lines, and generating entire code blocks.
  • Examples: GitHub Copilot, Tabnine, Kite, Amazon CodeWhisperer, Google Codey

2. Code Refactoring and Optimization

  • Purpose: Helps improve code quality, readability, and performance by suggesting refactoring options, identifying performance bottlenecks, and optimizing code.
  • Examples: DeepCode, SonarQube (with AI capabilities)

3. Code Testing and Debugging

  • Purpose: Automates test case generation, identifies potential bugs, and assists in debugging by providing root cause analysis.
  • Examples: IntelliJ IDEA (with AI-powered debugging), Parasoft (with AI-driven testing)

4. Code Review and Quality Assurance

  • Purpose: Analyzes code for potential issues, suggests improvements, and automates code review processes.
  • Examples: Snyk, Checkmarx (with AI-powered vulnerability detection)

5. Natural Language to Code

  • Purpose: Converts natural language descriptions of code into actual code.
  • Examples: OpenAI Codex, Transcoder

6. Low-Code/No-Code Platforms with AI

  • Purpose: Enables developers to create applications with minimal coding by providing visual interfaces and AI-driven automation.
  • Examples: OutSystems, Mendix, Appian

7. AI-Powered Development Assistants

  • Purpose: Offers general development support, such as documentation generation, task management, and code search.
  • Examples: Kite, Replit

  • ai/dev/start.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/07/26 16:09
  • by Henrik Yllemo