AI Literacy

AI Literacy is the level of knowledge and understanding a person has about artificial intelligence and its applications. It includes understanding the potential and limitations of AI technologies, technical concepts, ethical implications, and job displacement. AI literacy is becoming increasingly important as AI advances, see also Digital Citizenship and Digital Literacy

AI Literacy

General framework for understanding the different levels of AI literacy

Level 1 - Foundational AI Literacy

Individuals have a basic understanding of AI concepts and terminology, familiarity with popular AI technologies, and knowledge of ethical and societal issues.

  • Fundamentals of AI
  • Machine learning
  • Neural networks
  • Natural language processing
  • Ethics of AI
  • AI applications
  • AI and the future
  • Data Science
  • Robotics
  • AI in Business
  • AI and Creativity
  • AI Governance
  • AI and Cybersecurity
  • AI and Climate Change
  • AI and Healthcare
  • AI and Education
  • AI and Human-AI Collaboration
  • AI and Privacy
  • AI and Bias
Level 2 - Intermediate AI Literacy

Individuals at this level have a deeper understanding of AI concepts and are able to apply them to specific use cases.

  • Ensemble Learning
  • Feature Engineering
  • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
  • Transfer Learning
  • Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
  • Explainable AI
  • Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
  • Clustering Algorithms
  • Neural Style Transfer
Level 3 - Advanced AI Literacy

Individuals at this level have a deep understanding of advanced AI concepts and are able to develop and evaluate complex AI models for specific applications.

  • AutoML (Automated Machine Learning)
  • Federated Learning
  • Bayesian Machine Learning
  • Multi-task Learning
  • Meta-Learning
  • Differential Privacy
  • Quantum Computing and Quantum Machine Learning
  • Adversarial Machine Learning
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Variational Autoencoders

The 4 C's of AI Literacy

Concepts Core concepts of AI. What is A? how does it work? What different types are there?How can it be measured and improved? How does it use data?

Context How are AIs used in real life? How do AIs like Alexa, Self-Driving Cars, Recommendations etc. work? How are they built?

Capability How do you build your own AIs? How should you interact with AIs in your life? How can you create an AI to solve a problem?

Creativity What can you do with AI? How can you bring your creativity and imagination come to life? What cool new apps can you build?



What is The 4C of AI literacy?

The 4C of AI literacy is a framework that outlines four key components of understanding and working with artificial intelligence (AI) technology. These four components are:
ConceptsUnderstanding the basic concepts and terminology of AI, including machine learning, neural networks, and deep learning.
CompetenciesDeveloping the technical competencies necessary to work with AI, such as data analysis, programming, and statistical modeling.
Critical ThinkingDeveloping critical thinking skills to evaluate AI systems and their impact on society, including considering ethical and social implications of AI technologies.
CreativityUsing AI to develop innovative solutions and create new opportunities in various domains such as healthcare, finance, and education.

By developing a strong understanding of these four components, individuals and organizations can effectively navigate the world of AI and harness its potential for positive impact. The 4C of AI literacy is often used as a framework for AI education and training, both for technical experts and for non-technical stakeholders who are interested in understanding and leveraging AI technology.

## ToDo ##