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Project Scope Statement Template

What is Project Scope Statement Template?

A Project Scope Statement (PSS) template is a document that outlines the objectives, deliverables, and boundaries of a project. It serves as a foundation for understanding what needs to be accomplished during the project lifecycle. The PSS template typically includes the following elements:
  1. Project Overview: A brief summary of the project, including its purpose, goals, and objectives.
  2. Scope Statement: A clear description of the project's scope, including:
    • What is included in the project (inclusive scope)
    • What is excluded from the project (exclusive scope)
    • Any assumptions or constraints that influence the scope
  3. Objectives: Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals that the project aims to accomplish.
  4. Deliverables: A detailed list of what the project team will deliver at the end of the project, including:
    • Physical products (e.g., software, hardware)
    • Intangible products (e.g., reports, documentation)
    • Services or outcomes
  5. Stakeholders: A list of individuals or groups who have a vested interest in the project's success and may be impacted by its outcome.
  6. Assumptions and Dependencies: Any assumptions made about the project's environment, resources, or stakeholders, as well as any dependencies between the project and other initiatives.
  7. Constraints: Limitations or restrictions that may impact the project's scope, schedule, or budget, such as:
    • Resource constraints (e.g., personnel, equipment)
    • Budget constraints
    • Regulatory requirements
  8. Scope Verification: A description of how the project team will verify and validate the scope statement throughout the project lifecycle.

The Project Scope Statement template is often used to:

  1. Establish a common understanding among stakeholders about what needs to be accomplished.
  2. Clarify the project's objectives, deliverables, and boundaries.
  3. Identify potential risks and opportunities for the project.
  4. Guide decision-making and ensure that all stakeholders are aligned with the project's scope.

Here is an example of a Project Scope Statement template:

Project Overview

  • Project Name: [Insert project name]
  • Purpose: [Briefly describe the purpose of the project]

Scope Statement

  • Inclusive Scope:
    • + Develop a new software application
    • + Integrate with existing systems
  • Exclusive Scope:
    • + Do not develop a mobile app
    • + Do not conduct market research


  • Deliver a functional software application by [Insert date]
  • Achieve a minimum of 80% user satisfaction rating


  • Functional software application
  • User documentation and training materials
  • Project report detailing the scope, schedule, and budget


  • Project Sponsor: [Name]
  • Team Members: [List team members' names]
  • End-Users: [List end-users' names]

Assumptions and Dependencies

  • The software application will be developed using [Insert programming language or framework].
  • The integration with existing systems will require collaboration with the IT department.


  • Budget constraint: $500,000
  • Resource constraint: Limited personnel availability

Scope Verification

  • Regular scope verification meetings will be held bi-weekly to review progress and ensure alignment with the scope statement.
  • Changes to the scope statement will be approved through a formal change management process.

This is just an example, and you can customize your Project Scope Statement template based on your organization's specific needs and requirements.

Project Scope Statement

Project Title

  • Title:


  • Project Background:


  • Project Objectives:

Scope Description

  • In Scope:
    • Deliverables, services, and activities that are included in the project.
  • Out of Scope:
    • Deliverables, services, and activities that are not included in the project.


  • Deliverable 1:
    • Description, Due Date, Responsible Party
  • Deliverable 2:
    • Description, Due Date, Responsible Party

Acceptance Criteria

  • Criteria 1:
    • Description, Standards, Verification Method
  • Criteria 2:
    • Description, Standards, Verification Method


  • Milestone 1:
    • Description, Due Date
  • Milestone 2:
    • Description, Due Date


  • Constraint 1:
    • Description, Impact on Project
  • Constraint 2:
    • Description, Impact on Project


  • Assumption 1:
    • Description, Reasoning
  • Assumption 2:
    • Description, Reasoning


  • Dependency 1:
    • Description, Impact on Timeline
  • Dependency 2:
    • Description, Impact on Timeline


  • Estimated Cost:
  • Funding Source:


  • Risk 1:
    • Description, Mitigation Strategy
  • Risk 2:
    • Description, Mitigation Strategy


  • Approved by:
  • Signature:
  • Date:

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