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Communication Plan Template

What is Communication Plan Template?

A Communication Plan Template is a document that outlines the strategies, tactics, and timelines for effectively communicating with various stakeholders about a project, initiative, or organization. It serves as a guide for planning and executing communication efforts to achieve specific goals and objectives.

The template typically includes the following sections:

  1. Introduction: A brief overview of the purpose, scope, and audience of the communication plan.
  2. Target Audience: A list of the key stakeholders, including their roles, responsibilities, and communication needs.
  3. Communication Objectives: Clearly defined goals for each stakeholder group, such as informing, persuading, or involving them in the project.
  4. Message Strategy: The core messages to be communicated, including the key points, benefits, and value proposition.
  5. Communication Channels: A list of the communication channels to be used, including:
    • Written communications (e.g., reports, emails, newsletters)
    • Verbal communications (e.g., meetings, presentations, phone calls)
    • Visual communications (e.g., graphics, videos, infographics)
    • Digital communications (e.g., social media, email marketing, online forums)
  6. Tactics: Specific communication tactics to be used for each stakeholder group, such as:
    • Newsletters
    • Press releases
    • Social media campaigns
    • Town hall meetings
  7. Timeline: A detailed schedule outlining when each communication activity will take place.
  8. Budget: An estimate of the costs associated with implementing the communication plan, including personnel, materials, and equipment.
  9. Metrics and Evaluation: A plan for measuring the success of the communication efforts, including metrics such as:
    • Engagement rates
    • Click-through rates
    • Conversion rates
    • Feedback and feedback mechanisms
  10. Responsibilities: A clear assignment of tasks and responsibilities to team members or stakeholders involved in implementing the communication plan.
  11. Contingency Planning: A plan for handling unexpected events, such as changes in project scope, delays, or crisis situations.

By using a Communication Plan Template, organizations can ensure that their communication efforts are targeted, effective, and aligned with their overall goals and objectives.

Communication Plan Template

Project Information

Project Title: Project Manager: Communication Plan Prepared By: Date:

Purpose of the Communication Plan

Explain the importance of this communication plan for the project and its stakeholders.

Communication Objectives

Define what the communication plan is intended to achieve.

Stakeholder Analysis

Identify all stakeholders and their information needs.

Information to be Communicated

List the types of information that will be communicated, including:

  • Project updates
  • Milestones and deliverables
  • Risks and issues

Communication Methods

Outline the methods and tools used for communication, such as:

  • Meetings
  • Emails
  • Newsletters
  • Reports

Frequency of Communication

Specify how often each type of communication will occur (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly).

Roles and Responsibilities

Detail who is responsible for each type of communication.

Communication Matrix

Create a table that maps the information to be communicated, the audience, the method, the frequency, and the responsible party.

Information Audience Method Frequency Responsible

Escalation Process

Describe the process for escalating communications if necessary.

Feedback and Improvement

Explain how feedback on the communication process will be gathered and used to improve ongoing communication efforts.


Plan Approved By: Approval Date:

Revision History

Document any changes made to the communication plan over time.

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