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Change Request Form Template

What is Change Request Form Template?

A Change Request Form Template is a standardized document used in project management to request changes to a project scope, schedule, or budget. It provides a structured format for stakeholders and team members to submit change requests, which are then reviewed and evaluated by the project manager and other relevant stakeholders.

Typically, a Change Request Form Template includes the following sections:

  1. Change Request Identification: This section provides a unique identifier for the change request, including a reference number or code.
  2. Project Information: This section lists the project name, project manager, and any other relevant details.
  3. Description of Change: A clear and concise description of the requested change, including its impact on the project scope, schedule, or budget.
  4. Reason for Requesting Change: The reason why the change is being requested, including any justification or explanation.
  5. Expected Benefits: An outline of the expected benefits from implementing the requested change, such as improved functionality, reduced costs, or enhanced user experience.
  6. Impact Analysis: A detailed analysis of how the requested change will impact the project, including potential risks, dependencies, and timelines.
  7. Alternative Solutions: Any alternative solutions that have been considered to address the issue driving the change request.
  8. Cost Estimate: An estimate of the costs associated with implementing the requested change, including any additional resources or personnel required.
  9. Schedule Impact: An assessment of how the requested change will impact the project schedule, including any changes to milestones, deadlines, or dependencies.
  10. Risk Assessment: A risk assessment of the requested change, including potential risks, threats, and mitigation strategies.
  11. Decision-Making Criteria: The criteria used to evaluate the requested change, such as business value, technical feasibility, or stakeholder expectations.
  12. Change Request Status: A tracking section to monitor the status of the change request, including its approval, rejection, or pending status.

The Change Request Form Template serves several purposes:

  1. Standardization: Provides a standardized format for submitting and reviewing change requests.
  2. Consistency: Ensures that all stakeholders use the same language and structure when requesting changes.
  3. Transparency: Facilitates open communication among team members, stakeholders, and project managers.
  4. Efficiency: Streamlines the process of evaluating and implementing changes, reducing administrative burdens.
  5. Improved Decision-Making: Provides a structured approach to evaluating change requests, ensuring that decisions are made based on clear criteria and considerations.

By using a Change Request Form Template, project teams can effectively manage changes, mitigate risks, and ensure that projects deliver value to stakeholders while staying within scope, schedule, and budget constraints.

Change Request Form

Project Information

Project Name: Project ID: Project Manager:

Request Details

Date of Request: Requested By: Department:

Change Description

Change Title: Detailed Description of the Change: Please provide a detailed description of the change, including the reason for the change and the expected benefits.

Impact Analysis

Affected Systems/Components: Potential Risks: Mitigation Plan:


Requested Change Approval:

  • [ ] Approved
  • [ ] Rejected Approved/Rejected By: Date of Approval/Rejection:

Implementation Details

Implementation Date: Implemented By: Implementation Review Date:


Additional notes or comments related to the change request.

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