Stakeholder Analysis Template

What is Stakeholder Analysis Template?

A Stakeholder Analysis Template is a tool used to identify and analyze the stakeholders who are impacted by an organization, project, or initiative. It helps in understanding their interests, needs, and expectations, which is crucial for effective communication, collaboration, and decision-making.

The template typically includes the following sections:

  1. Stakeholder Identification: A list of individuals, groups, or organizations that have a vested interest in the project or organization.
  2. Stakeholder Analysis Grid: A grid that helps to categorize stakeholders based on their level of influence (high, medium, low) and level of interest (high, medium, low). This allows for the identification of key stakeholders who require attention and engagement.

Here's a sample Stakeholder Analysis Template:

Stakeholder Identification

Name Title/Organization Interest in Project/Initiative
John Smith CEO, XYZ Corporation High
Jane Doe Marketing Manager, ABC Inc. Medium
Bob Johnson IT Consultant Low

Stakeholder Analysis Grid

Stakeholder Influence (High/Medium/Low) Interest (High/Medium/Low) Priority Level
John Smith High High High
Jane Doe Medium Medium Medium
Bob Johnson Low Low Low

The template also includes additional columns to capture information such as:

  • Stakeholder Needs: What are the stakeholder's needs, expectations, or concerns?
  • Stakeholder Expectations: What do stakeholders expect from the project or organization?
  • Communication Strategy: How will you communicate with each stakeholder group?
  • Engagement Plan: What actions will you take to engage and involve each stakeholder?

By using a Stakeholder Analysis Template, organizations can:

  1. Identify key stakeholders who require attention
  2. Understand their interests, needs, and expectations
  3. Develop targeted communication and engagement strategies
  4. Build stronger relationships with stakeholders
  5. Make more informed decisions that consider the perspectives of all stakeholders

This template is widely used in various industries, such as project management, marketing, public relations, and corporate social responsibility.