Six Thinking Hats Template

What is Six Thinking Hats Template?

The Six Thinking Hats template is a thinking tool developed by Edward de Bono, an internationally renowned innovator and author. It's a simple yet powerful technique for group discussions, problem-solving, and decision-making. The idea behind it is to wear different “hats” that represent various perspectives or ways of thinking, allowing individuals to approach a challenge from multiple angles.

The Six Thinking Hats template consists of six colored hats, each representing a specific type of thinking:

  1. White Hat: Facts and Figures - Focus on gathering and analyzing data, seeking facts, and considering the situation's reality.
  2. Red Hat: Emotions and Intuition - Engage with your feelings, intuition, and instincts. Consider how others might feel about the issue or decision.
  3. Black Hat: Caution and Warning - Think critically, highlighting potential risks, pitfalls, and downsides associated with a particular idea or action.
  4. Yellow Hat: Benefits and Advantages - Look for the positive aspects of an idea, highlighting its strengths, benefits, and advantages.
  5. Green Hat: Creative Thinking - Encourage wild and innovative ideas, exploring new possibilities, and generating creative solutions.
  6. Blue Hat: Process and Organization - Focus on how to approach a problem or task, considering timelines, responsibilities, and resources.

By wearing these different hats, individuals can:

  • Avoid getting stuck in one perspective
  • Increase creativity and innovation
  • Improve communication and collaboration
  • Enhance critical thinking and analysis

To use the Six Thinking Hats template effectively:

  1. Choose a facilitator to guide the discussion.
  2. Introduce each hat, explaining its purpose and how it will be used.
  3. Ask participants to wear the corresponding hat when sharing their thoughts or ideas.
  4. Encourage open-mindedness, active listening, and respect for others' perspectives.

Remember that this tool is meant to stimulate creative thinking, not replace rigorous analysis or critical evaluation. By adopting the Six Thinking Hats template in your personal or professional life, you can foster a more collaborative and innovative environment.

  • problem/templates/six_thinking_hats_template.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/07/24 15:35
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