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dev:ruby [2023/03/25 17:59] (current) Henrik Yllemo
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 +<button type="primary" size="xs" icon="glyphicon glyphicon-bookmark">[[programming_lagugages| Programming Language]]</button> 
 +====== Ruby ======
 +  *
 +A dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write. 
 +<data programminglanguage>
 +Full Name: Ruby
 +Short Name: Ruby
 +Description: Ruby is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language.
 +Company: Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto
 +Web: Yes
 +Mobile: Yes
 +Enterprise: Yes
 +Embedded : Yes
 +<panel title='What is Ruby?'>
 +Ruby is a dynamic, open-source programming language that emphasizes simplicity and productivity. It is used for web development, software development, and other applications.
 +</panel><panel title='What are some advantages of using Ruby?'>
 +Some advantages of using Ruby include its ease of use, flexibility, and expressiveness. Ruby also has a large and active community of developers, and a large number of libraries and tools available for a wide range of tasks.
 +</panel><panel title='What are the different versions of Ruby?'>
 +The current stable version of Ruby is Ruby 3.0. Other recent versions include Ruby 2.7 and Ruby 2.6.
 +</panel><panel title='What are gems in Ruby?'>
 +Gems in Ruby are packages or libraries that can be installed and used in Ruby projects. They are typically created by developers and made available for others to use, and can be easily installed and managed using the RubyGems package manager.
 +</panel><panel title='What is Rails in Ruby?'>
 +Rails is a web application framework written in Ruby. It provides a set of tools and conventions for building web applications, including features such as routing, controllers, models, and views.
 +</panel><panel title='What is a block in Ruby?'>
 +A block in Ruby is a piece of code that can be passed as an argument to a method. Blocks are commonly used for tasks such as iteration, filtering, and transformation of data.
 +</panel><panel title='What is metaprogramming in Ruby?'>
 +Metaprogramming in Ruby refers to the ability to write code that generates or modifies other code at runtime. This can be used for tasks such as dynamically defining classes and methods, and is a powerful feature of the language.
 +<callout type="" title="GitHub Topics" icon="fa fa-github">
 +  *
 +Ruby was developed by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto in 1995 with the intent of having an easily readable programming language. It is used by the Rails framework to create dynamic web-applications. Ruby's syntax is similar to that of Perl and Python.
 +===== Hello World =====
 +<sxh >
 +puts 'Hello, world!'
 +<WRAP column right><wrap lo>Source: [[|Wikibooks]]</wrap></WRAP>
 +See also: [[dev:programming_lagugages]]
  • dev/ruby.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/03/25 17:59
  • by Henrik Yllemo