
Artificial Intelligence AI Startup Templates

AI Use Case Identification Template

What is AI Use Case Identification Template?

AI Use Case Identification Template

The AI Use Case Identification Template is a structured approach used to identify, document, and analyze potential use cases for artificial intelligence (AI) solutions within an organization. This template helps stakeholders understand the problem, define the objectives, and outline the requirements for implementing AI-powered solutions.

Template Structure:

  1. Use Case Title: Provide a concise and descriptive title for the use case.
  2. Problem Statement: Describe the business problem or opportunity that the AI solution aims to address.
  3. Objectives: Outline the specific goals and desired outcomes of implementing the AI solution.
  4. Key Stakeholders: Identify the individuals, teams, or departments involved in the use case.
  5. Data Sources: List the relevant data sources required for the AI solution, including types (structured/unstructured), formats (text/images/audio/video), and locations (internal/external).
  6. Desired Outcomes: Specify the expected benefits, such as increased efficiency, improved accuracy, or enhanced customer experience.
  7. Assumptions and Dependencies: Document any assumptions or dependencies that may impact the success of the AI solution.
  8. Constraints: Identify any constraints or limitations that must be considered when developing the AI solution.
  9. Success Metrics: Define the key performance indicators (KPIs) used to measure the success of the AI solution.

Use Case Template Example:

Use Case Title: Predictive Maintenance for Industrial Equipment

Problem Statement: Our industrial equipment is experiencing frequent downtime due to unexpected failures, resulting in significant losses and operational disruptions.


  1. Reduce equipment downtime by 30%
  2. Improve maintenance planning and scheduling
  3. Enhance overall equipment reliability

Key Stakeholders: - Maintenance team - Operations team - Equipment manufacturers - Quality control team

Data Sources: - Equipment performance data (temperature, vibration, etc.) - Maintenance records - Sensor data from IoT devices

Desired Outcomes:

  1. Improved equipment uptime and reduced maintenance costs
  2. Enhanced predictive maintenance capabilities
  3. Increased operational efficiency

Assumptions and Dependencies:

  • Availability of high-quality sensor data
  • Integration with existing maintenance systems
  • Training data for AI algorithms

Constraints: - Limited access to historical data - Security concerns related to sensitive equipment information

Success Metrics:

  1. Reduction in equipment downtime (KPI: Downtime hours per year)
  2. Improvement in maintenance planning and scheduling (KPI: Mean time between failures)
  3. Increase in overall equipment reliability (KPI: Equipment availability rate)

By using the AI Use Case Identification Template, organizations can systematically identify, document, and analyze potential use cases for AI solutions, ultimately leading to more informed decision-making and successful implementation of AI-powered projects.

AI Use Case Identification Template

Provide a brief title for the AI use case.

Give a detailed description of the problem or opportunity.

Describe the current process, system, or workflow related to the use case.

List the main objectives of implementing AI in this use case.

  • Objective 1
  • Objective 2
  • Objective 3

Identify the stakeholders involved in this use case.

  • Stakeholder 1
  • Stakeholder 2
  • Stakeholder 3

Outline the data sources needed for the AI model.

  • Data Source 1
  • Data Source 2
  • Data Source 3

Specify the AI techniques that could be applied (e.g., Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, etc.).

  • Technique 1
  • Technique 2
  • Technique 3

Describe the expected outcomes or benefits of using AI.

  • Outcome 1
  • Outcome 2
  • Outcome 3

Identify potential risks and challenges in implementing this AI use case.

  • Risk 1
  • Risk 2
  • Risk 3

Provide an estimated timeline for the implementation of the AI use case.

  • Phase 1: [Start Date – End Date]
  • Phase 2: [Start Date – End Date]
  • Phase 3: [Start Date – End Date]

Define the metrics that will be used to evaluate the success of the AI implementation.

  • Metric 1
  • Metric 2
  • Metric 3

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  • LINK

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  • ai/templates/ai_use_case_identification_template.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/09/13 06:46
  • by Henrik Yllemo