
Released in 2016, Angular is a rewrite of AngularJS. It focuses on good mobile development, modularity, and improved dependency injection. Angular is designed to comprehensively address a developer's web application workflow.

Snippet from Wikipedia: Angular (web framework)

Angular (also referred to as "Angular 2+") is a TypeScript-based, free and open-source single-page web application framework run on Node.js. It is led by the Angular Team at Google and by a community of individuals and corporations. Angular is a complete rewrite from the same team that built AngularJS. Angular ecosystem consists of a diverse group of over 1.7 million developers, library authors, and content creators.

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Released in 2016, Angular is a rewrite of AngularJS. It focuses on good mobile development, modularity, and improved dependency injection. Angular is designed to comprehensively address a developer's web application workflow.