TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) Template

What is TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) Template?

TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) is a methodology developed by Genrich Altshuller, a Russian engineer and scientist, to help solve complex problems and create innovative solutions. The TRIZ template, also known as the “Altshuller's 40 Principles,” consists of 76 standard solutions (STSs) and 40 inventive principles that can be applied to various problem-solving scenarios.

The TRIZ template is designed to help engineers, scientists, and innovators solve complex problems by identifying the underlying contradictions and using the inventive principles to overcome them. The template includes:

  1. Contradiction analysis: Identifying the main contradictions (incompatibility of opposing requirements) in the problem.
  2. Inventive principle selection: Choosing the relevant inventive principles from the 40 Altshuller's principles to address each contradiction.
  3. Solution development: Applying the selected inventive principles to create innovative solutions.

The TRIZ template is organized into three main categories:

  1. 40 Inventive Principles: These principles are designed to overcome specific types of contradictions, such as:

* Separation (separating conflicting components)

  * Combination (combining separate components)
  * Transfer (transferring resources or energy between components)
-  **76 Standard Solutions*  * (STSs): These solutions are pre-defined and can be applied directly to solve specific problems.
-  **Contradiction Analysis**: This involves identifying the main contradictions in the problem, such as:
  * Technical contradiction: conflicting technical requirements
  * Physical contradiction: conflicting physical laws or principles

The TRIZ template is a powerful tool for solving complex problems and creating innovative solutions. It has been applied to various fields, including engineering, science, technology, and business, to name a few.

Here's an example of how the TRIZ template can be used:

Problem: Designing a more efficient and cost-effective solution for a complex mechanical system.

  1. Identify contradictions:

* High efficiency vs. high cost (technical contradiction)

  * Compact design vs. easy maintenance (physical contradiction)
-  Select inventive principles:
  * Separation (separating conflicting components, e.g., separating the motor from the transmission)
  * Combination (combining separate components, e.g., combining multiple gears into a single unit)
-  Apply solutions:
  * Design a modular system with interchangeable components to reduce production costs and improve maintenance.
  * Use advanced materials or 3D printing to create complex geometries that optimize efficiency and compactness.

By following the TRIZ template, engineers and innovators can develop innovative solutions that overcome complex problems and create competitive advantages.