Root Cause Analysis Template

What is Root Cause Analysis Template?

A Root Cause Analysis (RCA) template is a structured approach to identifying and analyzing the underlying causes of an issue, problem, or failure. It helps investigators systematically explore the possible reasons behind an event, incident, or defect, to determine the root cause(s) that led to the outcome.

A typical RCA template includes the following steps:

  1. Event Description: A brief summary of what happened, including relevant details such as date, time, location, and affected systems or personnel.
  2. Initial Assessment: An initial evaluation of the event, highlighting any obvious causes or factors that contributed to the outcome.
  3. Root Cause Identification: A thorough investigation to identify the underlying reasons for the event, using various tools and techniques such as:

* Brainstorming

  * Root cause analysis charts (e.g., Ishikawa, Fishbone)
  * Flowcharts
  * Decision trees
  * Fault tree analysis
-  **Root Cause Classification**: Categorizing the identified root causes into groups, such as:
  * Human error
  * Equipment failure
  * Design flaw
  * Process issue
  * External factor (e.g., natural disaster)
-  **Impact Analysis**: Evaluating the impact of each identified root cause on the event or outcome.
-  **Recommendations for Corrective Action**: Proposing changes, improvements, or fixes to address the root causes and prevent similar events from occurring in the future.
-  **Implementation and Verification**: Documenting the implementation of corrective actions and verifying their effectiveness.

By using a Root Cause Analysis template, investigators can:

  • Identify the underlying causes of an issue
  • Prevent recurrence of the event
  • Improve processes and procedures
  • Enhance safety and reliability
  • Reduce downtime and costs

Here is a sample RCA template to help you get started:

Root Cause Analysis Template

Event Description: _

Initial Assessment: _

Root Cause Identification:

Root Cause Impact on Event
- Human error High
- Equipment failure Medium
- Design flaw Low

Root Cause Classification:

  • Human error
  • Equipment failure
  • Design flaw

Recommendations for Corrective Action: _

Implementation and Verification: ___

Remember to customize your RCA template according to the specific needs of your organization, industry, or type of analysis.