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5 Whys Template

What is 5 Whys Template?

The 5 Whys template, also known as the “5 Whys method” or “Why-Why-Why Analysis,” is a problem-solving technique used to identify the root cause of an issue or a problem. It was popularized by Sakichi Toyoda, the founder of Toyota Industries, and is widely used in quality control and lean manufacturing.

The 5 Whys template involves asking “why” five times to drill down to the underlying causes of a problem. The idea is that each time you ask “why,” you're getting closer to the root cause of the issue. Here's how it works:

  1. Identify the problem: Start by identifying the specific problem or issue you want to solve.
  2. Ask Why 1: Ask “Why” to get the initial answer, which will likely be a symptom of the problem rather than the root cause.

Example: Problem: The machine keeps breaking down. Answer: Because it's old and worn out.

  1. Ask Why 2: Ask “Why” again to drill deeper into the issue.

Example: Why is the machine old and worn out? Answer: Because we haven't replaced it in a while due to budget constraints.

  1. Ask Why 3: Continue asking “Why” to get even closer to the root cause.

Example: Why haven't we replaced it in a while? Answer: Because our budget was cut last year, and we haven't had the funds to replace the machine.

  1. Ask Why 4: Keep digging deeper to find the underlying cause.

Example: Why did our budget get cut? Answer: Because we experienced a decline in sales due to changes in market demand.

  1. Ask Why 5: Finally, ask “Why” one more time to identify the root cause.

Example: Why did we experience a decline in sales? Answer: Because we didn't adapt quickly enough to changing consumer preferences and our competitors were more agile.

By asking “why” five times, you should be able to get to the underlying cause of the problem. In this example, the root cause is that the company failed to adapt to changing market demand.

The 5 Whys template is a simple yet effective tool for identifying the root causes of problems and can help organizations improve their processes, reduce waste, and increase efficiency.

5 Whys Analysis Template

Problem Statement

Describe the problem you are trying to solve.

Why 1:

Question: Why did this problem occur? Answer:

Why 2:

Question: Why did the cause in Why 1 happen? Answer:

Why 3:

Question: Why did the cause in Why 2 happen? Answer:

Why 4:

Question: Why did the cause in Why 3 happen? Answer:

Why 5:

Question: Why did the cause in Why 4 happen? Answer:

Root Cause

Summarize the root cause identified through the 5 Whys analysis.

Corrective Actions

List the actions that will be taken to address the root cause and prevent recurrence.

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