Table of Contents

List of IDEs

An IDE, or Integrated Development Environment, allows programmers to simplify the process of building a computer program. FIXME

Editor (Lightweight IDE)

Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2022

Integrated development environment

Stack Overflow Developer Survey - IDEs

  1. Vim
  2. Android Studio
  3. PyCharm
  4. Sublime Text
  5. Eclipse
  6. IPython/Jupyter
  7. Atom
  8. Nano
  9. Webstorm
  10. PhpStorm
  11. Neovim
  12. NetBeans
  13. CLion
  14. Rider
  15. Emacs
  16. RStudio
  17. GoLand
  18. RAD Studio (Delphi, C++ Builder)
  19. Qt Creator
  20. Spyder
  21. RubyMine
  22. TextMate

Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023

Integrated development environment

Stack Overflow Developer Survey - IDEs

  1. Visual Studio Code
  2. Visual Studio
  3. IntelliJ IDEA
  4. Notepad++
  5. Vim
  6. Android Studio
  7. PyCharm
  8. Jupyter Notebook/JupyterLab
  9. Sublime Text
  10. Neovim
  11. Eclipse
  12. Xcode
  13. Nano
  14. WebStorm
  15. PhpStorm
  16. Atom
  17. Rider
  18. DataGrip
  19. CLion
  20. IPython
  21. Emacs
  22. VSCodium
  23. Goland
  24. Netbeans
  25. RStudio
  26. Code::Blocks
  27. Qt Creator
  28. Rad Studio (Delphi, C++ Builder)
  29. Fleet
  30. Helix
  31. Kate
  32. Spyder
  33. RubyMine
  34. Geany
  35. BBEdit
  36. TextMate
  37. Micro
  38. Nova
  39. condo