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kb:algorithm [2023/04/07 13:28] (current) Henrik Yllemo
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 +====== Algorithm ======
 +An algorithm is a finite sequence of well-defined, computer-implementable instructions, typically to solve a class of problems or to perform a computation.
 +  * Binary Search Trees
 +  * Binary Trees
 +  * Linked Lists
 +  * Searching
 +  * Strings
 +  * [[programming:array|Array]]
 +  * Stacks
 +  * Dynamic Programming
 +  * Famous Algorithms
 +  * Recursion
 +  * Sorting
 +  * Graphs
 +  * Heaps
 +  * Tries
 +  * Bubble Sort
 +  * Binary Search
 +  * Quick Sort
 +  * Merge Sort
 +  * Depth-First Search
 +  * Breadth-First Search
 +  * Dijkstra's Algorithm
 +  * Bellman-Ford Algorithm
 +  * A* Search Algorithm
 +  * RSA Encryption Algorithm
 +  * Huffman Coding Algorithm
 +  * Genetic Algorithm
 +  * K-Means Clustering Algorithm
 +  * Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm
 +  * Backpropagation Algorithm
 +  * Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm
 +  * PageRank Algorithm
 +  * Singular Value Decomposition Algorithm
 +  * Apriori Algorithm
 +  * Traveling Salesman Problem Algorithm
 +  * Binary Tree Traversal Algorithms
 +  * Kruskal's Algorithm
 +  * Prim's Algorithm
 +  * Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
 +  * Johnson's Algorithm
 +  * Maximum Flow Algorithm
 +  * Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm
 +  * Depth-First Spanning Tree Algorithm
 +  * Randomized Quick Sort Algorithm
 +  * Shellsort Algorithm
 +  * Heapsort Algorithm
 +  * Radix Sort Algorithm
 +  * Quicksort with Median-of-Three Partitioning Algorithm
 +  * Fisher-Yates Shuffle Algorithm
 +  * Hill Climbing Algorithm
 +  * Simulated Annealing Algorithm
 +  * Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm
 +  * Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
 +  * Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
 +  * Genetic Programming Algorithm
 +<callout type="primary" title="What is Algorithm?" icon="fa fa-question-circle">
 +**An algorithm is a set of instructions or a procedure** that is followed to solve a problem or perform a specific task. It is a step-by-step procedure or formula that outlines how to perform a particular operation, often in a systematic and efficient way.
 +In computer science, algorithms are **used to solve complex problems and perform tasks** such as data processing, searching and sorting large datasets, and mathematical calculations. They are essential to the functioning of computers and other digital devices, as they provide a way to automate complex operations and perform tasks quickly and accurately.
 +Algorithms can be expressed in many different forms, such as pseudocode, flowcharts, or code in a programming language. They can also be analyzed and evaluated based on factors such as their time complexity, space complexity, and the efficiency of the underlying data structures and algorithms used.
 +<callout type="" title="GitHub Topics" icon="fa fa-github">
 +  * https://github.com/topics/algorithm
 +Algorithms are detailed sets of guidelines created for a computer program to complete tasks efficiently and thoroughly.
 +<callout title="External links:">
 +  * https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algorithm
 +  * https://techterms.com/definition/algorithm
 +  * https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/fundamentals-of-algorithms/
 +{{tag>kb   programming             }}